API reference

sisy.models.task_with_callable(the_callable, label=None, schedule=sisy.DEFAULT_SCHEDULE, userdata=None, pk_override=None)[source]
  • the_callable (object or str) – The function to call; can be object or string with dotted path.
  • label (str) – The string label for the task object. If not specified, will be set to the dotted path of the callable.
  • schedule (str) – The cron-formatted string specifying the execution schedule for the task. If not specified, will be set to the default schedule as defined in the Django setting SISY_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE, or, if that is not set, to ‘* * * * *’, which will execute once per minute.
  • userdata (dict) – A Python dictionary of JSON-serializable data. If not specified, the dictionary will be empty.
  • pk_override (int) – For use only when creating tasks by dotted path to Django model instance methods; provides instance primary key to enable retrieval of the model object in the remote worker.

the Task object for the specified function. Must be saved before it will become active.

Return type:


class sisy.models.Task[source]

Public fields

These fields are safe to modify directly in the task object, though it is usually easier to use the class methods to set them on task creation.

  • label (str) – Name of the task, by default the same as the dotted Python path to the callable function
  • schedule (str) – Cron-format schedule for running the task
  • enabled (bool) – The task will not be scheduled if this field is false
  • start_running (datetime) – Datetime when the task is first eligible to run
  • end_running (datetime) – Datetime when the task is no longer eligible to run
  • wait_for_schedule (bool) – Should the task wait for its first scheduled run, or run immediately
  • iterations (int) – Number of iterations to schedule the task (0 means infinite)
  • allow_overlap (bool) – If false, sisy will not start a second worker on this task while one is already running

Internal fields

These fields are managed by code in the class methods; it is best to not modify them directly.

  • created_at (datetime) – Datetime when the task was created
  • modified_at (datetime) – Datetime of the last modification of the task
  • last_run (datetime) – Datetime of latest task run (default is sisy.models.HAS_NOT_RUN)
  • next_run (datetime) – Calculated datetime of next scheduled task run
  • _func_info (str) – Internal dictionary of details about the callable function, stored as JSON
  • _extra_data (str) – Internal dictionary of userdata, stored as JSON. Access through the userdata property.
  • running (bool) – Internal flag to keep track of whether a worker is currently running this task, to avoid overlap if that has been specified
classmethod run_iterations(cls, the_callable, iterations=1, label=None, schedule='* * * * * *', userdata=dict, run_immediately=False, delay_until=None)[source]
  • the_callable (object or str) – The function to call; can be object or string with dotted path.
  • iterations (int) – The number of iterations that this task should run (according to its cron schedule)
  • label (str) – The string label for the task object. If not specified, will be set to the dotted path of the callable.
  • schedule (str) – The cron-formatted string specifying the execution schedule for the task. If not specified, will be set to ‘* * * * * *’, which will execute the iterations as fast as the SISY_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY setting allows (by default, once per minute).
  • userdata (dict) – A Python dictionary of JSON-serializable data. If not specified, the dictionary will be empty.
  • run_immediately (bool) – An optional flag which, if set to True, will cause the first iteration of the task to run immediately, instead of waiting for the cron schedule to indicate execution time.
  • delay_until (datetime) – If specified, the task will be delayed until the specified datetime by setting the Task object’s start_running field.
classmethod run_once(cls, the_callable, userdata=dict, delay_until=None)[source]
  • the_callable (object or str) – The function to call; can be object or string with dotted path.
  • userdata (dict) – A Python dictionary of JSON-serializable data. If not specified, the dictionary will be empty.
  • delay_until (datetime) – If specified, the task will be delayed until the specified datetime by setting the Task object’s start_running field.